Coup d'Etat! Coup d'Etat-ta-ta! Coup d'Etat! Coup d'Etat! When you think you lost your keys and you pray to God please and someone says: Hey Lookin' for these? Coup d'etat! COUP D'ETAT! When you figure out your taxes and you owe them cash in stacks and then they send it all back Coup d'etat! COUP D'ETAT! When your party was a hit and someone left a sweater, it's your favorite color and it fits! Coup d'etat! COUP D'ETAT! When you're driving in your car, you think you've gone too far, you look and there you are, Coup d'etat! COUP D'ETAT! Pas de deux, pas de trois! Parlez vous? Je ne parle pas. Je ne sais quoi. Comme ci comme ca! Coup d'etat! COUP D'ETAT! It's a foot race in the street, Ed tries to push you, HEY HE CHEATED! Then he trips and Is defeated, Coup d' etat! COUP D'ETAT! You're drivin' late, you're copin', you're hungry and you're hopin' for a miracle Thai Food: OPEN! Coup d'etat! COUP D'ETAT! Late for work, still shaving, you remember as you're raving that today was daylight Savings! Coup d'etat! COUP D'ETAT! They're hanging you for treason and the hangman gets a lesion on his brain and he Forgets what he was doing and who you are and where the lever is and everything and He just lets you GO! COUP D'ETAT! C'est la vie, c'est la guerre! Mon ami, mon pere, mon frere! Ma ma ma ma, ha ha ha ha! Coup d'etat! COUP D'ETAT! WIN THE LOTTO! COUP D'ETAT! FREE AUTO! COUP D'ETAT! BIG PROMOTION! COUP D'ETAT! BRAND NEW NOTION! COUP D'ETAT! Perrier! Beaujolais! Deja vu, vuja de! A la-bas, comment ca vas? Coup d'etat! COUP D'ETAT! Cyrano de Bergerac! Ticky tacky cul de sac! Un, deux, trois: VOILA! Coup d'etat! COUP D'ETAT! You think you lost your wallet, everywhere you've been you call, it's nowhere! Stop and Think and stall, it’s got to be here, try to recall Did you leave it in the hall? Or in the Bathroom stall? Or under grandma's shawl? Or maybe you left it at the mall THE MALL! THE MALL! THE MALL! I LEFT MY WALLET AT THE MALL! It's there Unless somebody stole it-- take my kingdom for my wallet! Everything I own was in it All my cash and cards of credit and my birth certificate, a certified letter (never read it) Combination to my locket, look – it's right here in my pocket! Coup d'etat! COUP D'ETAT! Allouette sur la tete, crepe suzette dans la toilette... Faux pas, sha-na-na-na, sha-na-nana-na, faux pas, sha-na-na-na, sha-na-na-na-na, faux pas sha-na-na-na, sha-na-na-nana, coup d'etat! COUP D'ETAT! Coup de grace, cootie shot, akoonamatata, koo koo clock, Kool Mo' Dee, come over to my house to see what I got Coconut, cocoa butter, couple a coconuts in a pot, Cocoa Puffs, Coca Cola, kudos to those who have not Kumbaya, kookamonga, kookaburra, Kublai Kahn, and a couple of cops in a coupe de ville in Hooterville in a parking lot Serendipity-bipity-bipity Betty Boop is shootin' hoops tapokita-pokita-pokita rah! Rah! Rah! Sis-boom-bah COUP D'ETAT! You got misinformation, there's no tickets at the station... (brrrrRING!) " Hello? One Cancellation? " Coup d'etat! COUP D'ETAT! On the payphone, not done yet so when your train comes you let it go, it crashes up Ahead, Coup d'etat! COUP D'ETAT! The stock market crashes; the government goes fascist; they give you 50 lashes and they burn your house to ashes; on the phone its dots and dashes and you suddenly feel the mattress -- it's a dream and it passes! Coup d'etat! COUP D'ETAT! The end of the song, the end of all the fun, but then you remember that this song is on a Recording that's available to be bought by anyone, coup d'etat! COUP D'ETAT! La physique, magnifique! Dance le freak dans la boutique! Tra-la-la, et cetera Coup d'etat! COUP D'ETAT! C'est fini, fait accompli! Oui, j'ais fini oussi! C'est tout ca, au revoir! Coup d'etat! COUP D'ETAT!