Billy Childish

I was lead to believe

Billy Childish

well I tell you 
I was lead to believe 
that what I gave her 
she loved to receive 

well well I tell you 
whatever she told you 
she took it with greed 
she took it with greed 
her body is corn 
and her head is seed 

well I tell you 
I was lead to believe 
if I was true in love 
she would not deceive 
well well I tell you 
whatever she told you 
she caused me to bleed 
she caused me to bleed 
her soul is mud 
and her neck is reed 

well the price to pay 
I could not afford 
I swear my heart 
my heart was scored 
seed was her head 
her teeth were lead 
her sould was mud 
my blood was red 
and curly flex 
was her spinal cord