Lucky Ladybug, lucky ladybug! A lucky ladybug! Ladybug, silver dollar, rabbit's foot, With a four leaf clover and a horseshoe. Wishbone, shamrocks got me shook Singin' Abracadabra in a cat's eye. I wonder, wonder if you love me, guess I'll ask the star above me When the moon is bright canary yellow. It'd really be amazin' if that crystal ball I'd gaze in Says I'll always be your steady fellow! Ladybug, silver dollar, rabbit's foot, With a four leaf clover and a horseshoe. Wishbone, shamrocks got me shook Singin' Abracadabra in a cat's eye. Though your words are smooth and soothin', don't you feel it's time for groovin' Come on, daddy, rock me wild, our band is rollin'. Uh-huh. Keep it cool, my ducky-wucky, baby doll, our love is lucky When you walk me down the aisle, we'll do it strollin'! Ladybug, silver dollar, rabbit's foot, With a four leaf clover and a horseshoe. Wishbone, shamrocks got me shook Singin' Abracadabra in a cat's eye. (4 lines instrumental) Stupid Cupid gave us fever and an itchy-twitchy feelin' And a green mosquito must have bit us. Got us walking like two robbers makin' moon talking, bobbin' Like a firefly, splishin' and a-splashin'. Ladybug, silver dollar, rabbit's foot, With a four leaf clover and a horseshoe. Wishbone, shamrocks got me shook Singin' Abracadabra in a cat's eye. Lucky Ladybug, lucky ladybug! A lucky ladybug! A lucky ladybug! A lucky ladybug! A lucky ladybug! A lucky ladybug!