Bill Wurtz

Fly Around

Bill Wurtz

I walk over the earth
In special sandals
I took those sandals off
Now I can fly around

Some people wonder
Why the sky is not very bright
My arms are much too tired
For this conversation

Travel the distance
In between where I was
And where I would
Like to be a little later

The sky is falling
The sky is larger
Than any sky could be

My calendar is telling me
Is the future

Somewhere there's a second scene
With characters that never speak
But you still know exactly what they mean
And you still know exactly
What the story will be

Travel the world
Without my blanket
So when I'm feeling tired
I can just fly around

Most people wonder
If the Moon is part of the sky
Or if it's just a decoration
Added later

My galaxy is spinning
Towards the future

Somewhere in the seventh scene
When no one understands
The point of view
That you now find so familiar

My memories are coming back
In ways I wasn't ready for
But I'm still enjoying the way it feels

So I'm holding on to the details
Capture this moment
In a series of carefully chosen words and phrases
And then re-play it

I walk over the earth
In special sandals
I kick those sandals off
And watch them fly around

I didn't notice
If they ever landed
But if they do
I'll understand the reason

The melody is drifting
Into the future
And I feel pretty good
About what time it is

About what came ever was
And how it came to this

The memory is drifting
Back in ways I'll pretend to know and understand
Pretend to know exactly
How the story will end