Four little sailors went out on a dory, And traveled around the world one day. They came back with a pocket full of stories, Of people and places from far away Stories of magic from far off China, Stories of pirates that crossed the Main, Stories of the nights in Asia Minor, And stories of the love in the hills of Spain. All around the world they traveled Making friends where'ere they'd go, Telling tales from here to yonder, Sailing high and sailing low. Who can be these four little sailors? Do you know these travelers four? Princesses and timeless tailors Will be their friends forever more. And the first one's name was "Once Upon A Time" The second one's name was "Chapter Ten", The third one's name was "Happily Thereafter", The last one's name was just "The End". Have you seen these four little friends? They are here for you and me. Try and find them if you can And wond'rous your reward will be. For they will live throughout the ages, In our hearts and minds they dwell. They are found among the pages Of the books upon the shelves. And the first ones name was………