Bill Staines

Ol' Blue

Bill Staines

I had an old dog and his name was Blue,
Betcha five dollars he's a good dog too.
Every night just about good dark,
Blue goes out and begins to bark
Here old Blue, you're a good dog you.
Here old Blue, you're a good dog you.

Blue chased a possum up a 'simmon tree,
Barked at the possum and grinned at me.
Chased that possum way out on a limb,
Blue sat down and he talked to him
Here old Blue, you're a good dog you.
Here old Blue, you're a good dog you.

Blue got sick, he got mighty sick,
Called for the doctor to come right quick.
The4 doctor come and he come in a run,
But he said old Blue your huntin's done.
Here old Blue, you're a good dog you.
Here old Blue, you're a good dog you.

Old Blue died and he died so hard,
He shook the ground in my back yard.
I dug his grave with a silver spade,
And lowered him down with a length of chain.
Here old Blue, you're a good dog you.
Here old Blue, you're a good dog you.

There's just one thing that troubles my mind,
Blue went to heaven and left me behind.
When I get to heaven, first thing I'll do,
Is get my horn and call for Blue.
Here old Blue, you're a good dog you.
Here old Blue, you're a good dog you.