The road was the color of the road and the sky was the color of the sky And the heat was the breath of your kiss when you waited far too long to sigh Your stories were just stories Your love not even that Though you knew of my past glories when I could win a heart when I tipped my hat Your beauty was just beauty though many men were spared And like the others you saw through me But I always came prepared There were drops of white on a southern dawn that made the cotton look so real But there was nothing upon nothing on that long road to Mobile You held me close on your back porch but I've been held before Where rich girls knew what silence was and what a kiss was for You promised me undying love as the sun broke through the trees You promised me the stars above as you fell to your knees Well, a promise is a promise when you cannot fake the lie When you give your heart in the morning light there's no Sunday goodbye But the world always begins anew when the summer church bells peal And there was nothing upon nothing on that long road to Mobile Jesus lived and Jesus died and it was just to make you sweet And they nailed him down and Mary cried, "All love is incomplete." Still I believe the soldier who gambled big that day Who traded clothes for a crown of thorns to guide him on his way "A crown of thorns," his wife scoffed "That's all you've brought today. You've just returned with a crown of thorns and you call it a day's pay?" A crown is just a crown and a deal is just a deal And there was nothing upon nothing on that long road to Mobile Alabama turns it back when the air's too thick to breathe And there was no air in that shotgun shack when I knew I should leave I'll leave alone the way I came as the maid undoes your stays I had a race I thought was run but now I see it goes two ways A destination holds no gold It's all in the journey So leaving and returning now It's all the same to me When the sun burns every seed you plant You cannot sell the yield And there was nothing upon nothing on that long road to Mobile