Last night I was dreaming, dreamed about the H-bomb Well, the bomb went off and I was caught I was the only man on the ground There was a-thirteen women and only one man in town Thirteen women and only one man in town And as funny as it may be The one and only man in town was me Well, thirteen women and only me the only man around I had two girls every morning Seeing that I was well fed And believe you me, one sweetened my tea While another one buttered my bread Two girls gave me my money Two girls made me my clothes And another sweet thing, bought me a diamond ring About forty carats I suppose Well, thirteen women and only one man in town There was a-thirteen women and only one man in town It was something I can't forget Because I think of those thirteen women yet Well, thirteen women and only one man around I had three girls dancing the mambo Three girls balling the jack And all of the rest really did their best Boy, they sure were a lively pack I thought I was in heaven And all of those angels were mine But I woke up and ended the dream 'Cause I had to get to work on time Well, a-thirteen women and only one man in town There was a-thirteen women and only one man in town No, I can't tell you where I've been 'Cause I kind of think that someday I'll go back again To those thirteen women and me the only man around Well, a-thirteen women and me the only man around Well, a-thirteen women and me the only man around