I don’t know much about Money, fortune or fame And who invented the light bulb Wow!!! I forgot his name I didn’t make it to school The day they taught it all But hey! I can talk about love Don’t ask me anything ‘bout What went down what day Yeah, too much information Drives me insane Come to think, if i can’t recall It don’t matter But hey I can talk about love I can talk about whatcha’ do to me Hear me talkin’ ‘bout love Think about all the possibilities I can’t say it enough It’s all about you, all about me I wanna’ hold you forever It feels better and better Girl your body, your kisses Oh heaven’s what this is Did i hear what i heard? You whisper those words ‘bout to shut me up It just seems like everyone’s Looking to be what they’re not I’d rather be one of those people Believin’ in what they got I’ll listen to all of those stories Until my ears are shot Then we can talk about love