Bill Champlin


Bill Champlin

With this frankincense and this gold and myrrh
We are traveling so far
For a vision of one child born of love
We are following this star

So, the three of us travel ‘round the world
We are riding toward one dream
In the darkest night we see heaven’s light
Shining on the new born king

What’s that star that’s shining, oh so bright
What’s this road that we must follow
Why this little town, these three men, so wise
Who’s this child that we must follow
Here to Bethlehem

There’s a song to sing, and a tale to tell
And a world to rise above
So, we’re traveling here to Israel
Just to find this child of love

We’ve all seen the light and our path is clear
Love is just around the bend
There’s an end in sight it begins right here
There’ll be peace in Bethlehem

(chorus answers)
what’s that star, oh so bright?
Road that we must follow?
Why this town – men, so wise
God’s own child, follow

Try to remember, where this started
Follow your heart
It’s more than December
It’s God’s own child