Coming home from battle tonight
Bleeding terror right through my eyes
We were fighting side by side
Serving One and some rulers pride

Drowning bombs and flying guns
Spreading sorrow to human hearts
Can you believe we’re fighting love
No one above us will tell us why

Some try to put you away
But I will make no vows
Even if they cannot make me any proud
I will make them pay
And I’ll be bringing them down
If for that I need to shout out loud

I’m just hoping to see you soon
Cause it might give comfort to my soul
I could told you so much more
If our eyes could once again meet

I like to think that I’m the good one
And you’re the rebel waiting home
So I’ll tell you just one thing
In this board game I’m a King.

Some try to put you away
But I will make no vows
Even if they cannot make me any proud
I will make them pay
And I’ll be bringing them down
Even if for that I need to shout out loud

As I should felt secure
Standing among brothers
Pumping hope in ourselves
Scared faces, feeling smothered
And in the dusk of dawn
I will finally be near
You’ll be opening this letter
And my soul now rests in fear