I pray thee, Why do the heathen rage And the people imagine us a vain thing? False kings of the earth had set themselves And the rulers take counsel togather Against the LORD God JAH Rastafari And against his Anointed, saying, Now come, let us break their bonds assunder And cast away their cords from us Your leader seated in his heaven shall laugh The LORD God JAH Rastafari shall have them in derision But then shall he speak unto them in his wrath And vex to them in his sore displeasure Co' yet have I set I kings upon the holy mountains of Zion I will now declare the decree: The LORD God JAH Rastafari hath said unto I and I and I That thou art I sons, that today have I begotten thee Thou aks if I and I and I shall give thee The heathen for thine inheritance And the uttermost part of the earth for thine possession JAH shall break them with a rod of iron! JAH shall dash them in pieces Like a potter's vessel, I would say So be wise therefore, ye kings Be instructed, ye judges of the earth Serve the LORD God JAH Rastafari with fear Rejoice and tremble Kiss InI the Son and lest he be angered And perish from his ways When his wrath is kindled but a little And so blessed be all Blesseth he everyone as I would say And so blessed be all they Who put their trust In the true and living God JAH Rastafari Then this man shall be like the holy mountains of Zion That cannot be removed but abideth for ever And so the mountains round about I-rusalem And so the LORD God JAH Rastafari Is running about his people as I would say The lot of the wicked shall not rest upon this righteous Unless this individual righteous put forth his hands unto iniquity So do good O LORD God JAH Rastafari Unto them that are good And unto those that are upright in their hearts For such a one as turn unto his crooked way, you don't say The LORD God JAH Rastafari shall not turn his back To give a count to the right of his people A when he come he mek me tell you 'bout the song He call a, about a song we call a Satta Amasagana Amasagana, Seh, you nah pon yah but ya wan yah You know Satta mek you pon yah You know Satta mek you wan yah That's if your mama never borne here And if your papa never borne here You are African, as I would say Down inna Africa, as I would tell you Seh Afri... Seh Afri... Africa! Satta, Satta, Satta Amasagana You gotta work the show and all the line-up But you gotta work right through the song And call ya Satta Amasagana, masagana Gotta work the show and all the line-up Gotta work right through the song And call out Satta Amasagana Irie! Give thanks. Irie...