A long long time ago, there was a clever girl She was so cute, glamorous and ambitious She heard on the grapevine, so the story goes The prince is looking for Cinderella She waited in the line to get a better class And stayed up all the night to slip on the tender glass "Oh my god. It does not fit for me ... " "I don't care anymore. " She crammed it into the wheel She never gave up wearing with her bloody heel Your destiny should be changed by your hand It's needed by all over the world now I'm crazy for you You're the one for me Keep on loving you Would you marry me? Its twelve oclock midnight The long hand hugs the short hand But still goes on, the unbroken spell She is still here I can hear the sound of wedding bell Bless our kiss and my promised life "Wherever can your pumpkin cab be?" "I ate it by cooked in soy source" "It sounds good. I hope you'll cook for me. " Yes, she has a nerve It's needed by all over the world now I'm Crazy for you You're the one for me Keep on loving you Would you marry me? ( taiyaku ) mukashimukashi arutokoronitotemo keisan takai onna gaimashita kanojo ha tsuya yakade utsukushi ku , soshite yashin ie desu douyara 1 tsu kaze no uwasa wo mimi nishitayoudesu ouji ga shinderera toiu onna wo sagashi teirurashii , to zenjitsu tetsuya de gyouretsu naran de ware sakini to kutsu wo haki masu mazuizo , shikashi saizu ga awa nai kakato tsubushi te muriyari shinderera garasu de jakkan chi mamiredesuga sousa , ima nogo jisei unmei ha jibun no tede taguri yose rumonsa mou kun ni kubi tsu take sa boku no unmei no nin nanda kun wo itoshi tsuduke ruyo boku to kekkon shinaikai ? tokei no hari ga choujou de daki au juuni toki sugi temo mahou ha toke nai kun ha kie nai kyoukai no kane no oto ga hibiki watari chikai no kuchi duke wo oe ta futari wo shukufuku shiteiru ouji hafuto gimon ni omotta ano tokino kabocha kata no basha hadoushitano (... basha ha ni duke te tabe mashita .) ( sorehaoishisou , kondo boku nimo tsukutte okureyo ) sousa , ima nogo jisei sorekuraino zu futosa mo hitsuyou nanosa mou kun ni kubi tsu take sa boku no unmei no nin nanda kun wo itoshi tsuduke ruyo shiawase ninaroune