Tom: C Big Head Todd- Resignation Superman Tabbed by: ME Email: MY OWN Tuning: standard as ever This took me awhile to get every string in the chords right but I am pretty confident that I've got it close to 100%, and if it's not then it's 99% and nobody will be able to tell the difference. If anybody has the picking in the chorus figured out or at least the chords PLEASE TELL ME This is the intro and verse, the x's are for merely quick mutes of the strings to serve as the rest in between some chords. I have every strum accounted for so make sure to take that into consideration with the timing. e|-3-3-3-3-x-3-3-x-3-3-3p0-------------------------------------------------| B|-1-1-0-0-x-0-0-x-2-2-2-----2-2-2-x-2-2-2-2---2-2-------------------------| G|-2-2-2-2-x-0-0-x-3-3-3p0---0-0-0-x-0-0-0-0h2-2-2p0-----------------------| D|-2-2-2-2-x-2-2-x-0-0-0-----2-2-2-x-2-2-2-0---0-0-------------------------| A|-------------------------3-3-3-3-x-3-3-3-0---0-0-------------------------| E|-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | / slide up | \ slide down | h hammer-on | p pull-off | ~ vibrato | + harmonic | x Mute note ===============================================================================