rappers, troubadours, sneaking in the back door, crazy fortune teller, drinking on the kitchen floor all night racing down Division at a hundred and three her singing it was rapture, it was ecstasy. Oh yeah Madam Lisa of the stars Messenger of hope She was the messenger of Guiding light and lovin inspiration She could break you down With sheer imagination her old man was so cruel and vicious one day went too far, and lord, he got his Madam Lisa of the stars Messenger of hope Messenger of love SHINE YOUR LIGHT ON Makin' love in the setting sun She's looking at me like I am the one, wild and free but with nowhere to run SHINE YOUR LIGHT ON The Trapped, the broken, the innocent ones Baby we were over before we'd begun I'll be running for you till our freedom comes Freedom come When she pulled the trigger I could hear it ring out for miles and miles from the circus where we grew up Your head turned to me and I was caught up in the light shaken by the sound. The confession in her eyes from when we met And I was sentenced for life And I know I'd never forget Making love in the setting sun You look at me like I am the one wild and free but with nowhere to run SHINE YOUR LIGHT ON Trapped and broken, the innocent ones Baby we were over before we'd begun I'll be running for you till our freedom comes