Every rooftop unsteady on its studs Every old ankle leaning on its crutch Every old drunk stumbling backwards Searching for the wall And every palm tree doubled over in the wind Every man on the street looking sad and thin Every broke leg race horse chewing on the gates of his star And every yachtsman with a million in a bank Afloat on the sea like a flake in a tank Tying his wish to the wheel in the face of a storm You can’t save ‘em all Oh, you can’t save ‘em all You got to choose Who to live for We’re down in the mine Behind them heavy walls They’re crying, but Lord Don’t you know? You can’t save ‘em all Every old man folded in his chair Talking and laughing with nobody there Pressing his lips to a phone that don’t nobody call Every shit car pulling back on the road Squealing its tiers and gunning for a home Leaving behind it some shit Baby, too new to crawl You can’t save ‘em all Oh, you can’t save ‘em all You got to choose Who to live for We’re down in the mine Behind them heavy walls They’re crying, but Lord Don’t you know? You can’t save ‘em all Every innocent head for a god Down on her knees surrendered in awe Robbing in front of the prophet who holds her in front You can’t save ‘em all Oh, you can’t save ‘em all You got to choose Who you live for We’re down in the mine Behind them heavy walls They’re crying, but Lord Don’t you know? You can’t save ‘em all