Spiritual Request 'When Will that Day be Mine?' kabe ha'be bolo se-dina âmâr When will that day be mine? kabe ha'be bolo se-dina âmâr When will that day be mine? (âmâr) aparâdha ghuci', s'uddha nâme ruci, With no offenses, and the taste increasing, kripâ-bale ha'be hridoye sañcâr when will your mercy shine in my heart? kabe ha'be bolo se-dina âmâr When will that day be mine? kabe ha'be bolo se-dina âmâr When will that day be mine? trinâdhika hîna, kabe nije mâni', Lower than a straw, tolerant as a tree, sahishnutâ-guna hridoyete âni' when do I attain that quality of mind? sakale mânada, âpani amânî, Respecting all, expecting no honor, ho'ye âswâdibo nâma-rasa-sâr nectar sublime tasting of the name. (3) kabe ha'be bolo se-dina âmâr When will that day be mine? kabe ha'be bolo se-dina âmâr When will that day be mine? dhana jana âra, kobitâ-sundarî Wealth or followers, female beauty, bolibo nâ câhi deho-sukha-kari I do not care about or any comfort! janme-janme dâo, ohe gaurahari! Grant me life after life, o Lord Caitanya, ahaitukî bhakti carane tomâr devotion non-desiring at Your Lotusfeet. (4) kabe ha'be bolo se-dina âmâr When will that day be mine? kabe ha'be bolo se-dina âmâr When will that day be mine? (kabe) korite s'rî-krishna- nâma uccârana, Uttering Krishna Krishna, with a voice choked up, pulakita deho gadgada bacana and the body thereto shivering. vaibarnya-vepathu ha'be sanghatana, When will I tremble, with a paling face, nirantara netre ba'be as'ru-dhâr and will streams of tears well from my eyes? (5) kabe ha'be bolo se-dina âmâr When will that day be mine? kabe ha'be bolo se-dina âmâr When will that day be mine? kabe navadwîpe, suradhunî-tate, In Navadvîpa, at the shore of the Ganges gaura-nityânanda boli' nishkapate Cry out Gaura-Nitai, surrendered. nâciyâ gâiyâ, bedâibo chute, Dancing, singing, running all around, bâtulera prâya châriyâ bicâr when will I be half-mad in my mind? (6) kabe ha'be bolo se-dina âmâr When will that day be mine? kabe ha'be bolo se-dina âmâr When will that day be mine? kabe nityânanda, more kori' doyâ, When will Nitai, be merciful to me, châdâibe mora vishayera mâyâ and will I discard the world called mâyâ? diyâ more nija- caranera châyâ, Place me in the shadow, of Your lotus feet, nâmera hâtete dibe adhikâr let the right to speak the name be all mine. (7) kabe ha'be bolo se-dina âmâr When will that day be mine? kabe ha'be bolo se-dina âmâr When will that day be mine? kinibo, luthibo, hari-nâma-rasa, I'll fear nothing, for the nectar of the name, nâma rase mâti' hoibo bibas'a the effect of it for sure will astound me. rasera rasika- caranera paras'a, O enjoyer of the name, when will I touch them, koriyâ mojibo rase anibâr Your lotusfeet till the end of time (8) kabe ha'be bolo se-dina âmâr When will that day be mine? kabe ha'be bolo se-dina âmâr When will that day be mine? kabe jîbe doyâ, hoibe udoya, When for all souls, appears compassion, nija-sukha bhuli' sudina-hridoya with a heart free of selfpity? bhakativinoda, koriyâ-vinoya, Bhaktivinod prays, I'll make a beginning, s'rî-âjnâ-thahala koribe pracâr with the preaching of Your sublime mission. kabe ha'be bolo se-dina âmâr When will that day be mine? kabe ha'be bolo se-dina âmâr When will that day be mine?