
Radha-Krishna Bol


from Gîtâvalî

S'rî Nagar Kîrtan: S'rî Nâma - 4
(Congregational chanting in public places)


râdhâ-krishna 'bol bol bolo re sobâi    
"Radha-Krishna!" chant, chant Everyone chant!

(ei) s'ikhâ diyâ, sab nadîyâ,
When they came dancing, through Nadia,

phirche nece' gaura-nitâi    
it was taught by Caitanya and Nitai:

haribol, bolo bolo bolo re sobâi.     
Of the Lord: chant, chant everyone chant!


râdhâ-krishna 'bol bol bolo re sobâi     
"Radha-Krishna!" chant, chant Everyone chant!

(miche) mâyâr bos'e, jâccho bhese',
caught in a whirlpool of senseless action,

khâccho hâbudubu, bhâi.    
one's sinking lower and lower.

haribol, bolo bolo bolo re sobâi.     
Of the Lord: chant, chant everyone chant!


râdhâ-krishna 'bol bol bolo re sobâi     
"Radha-Krishna!" chant, chant Everyone chant!

(jîv) krishna-dâs, e vis'vâs,
of krishna the eternal servant,

korle to' âr duhkha nâi.    
know thus the spirit soul to be.

haribol, bolo bolo bolo re sobâi.     
Of the Lord: chant, chant everyone chant!


râdhâ-krishna 'bol bol bolo re sobâi     
"Radha-Krishna!" chant, chant Everyone chant!

(krishna) bolbe jabe, pulak ha'be,
Chanting krishna fills your eyes with tears,

jhorbe ânkhi, boli tâi.    
your body will shiver in ecstasy.

haribol, bolo bolo bolo re sobâi.      
Of the Lord: chant, chant everyone chant!


râdhâ-krishna 'bol bol bolo re sobâi  
"Radha-Krishna!" chant, chant Everyone chant!

(râdhâ) krishna'bolo, sange calo,
chant"Radha-krishna" and join in.

ei-mâtra bhikshâ câi.    
is the only alm we beg of you.

haribol, bolo bolo bolo re sobâi.     
Of the Lord: chant, chant everyone chant!  


râdhâ-krishna 'bol bol bolo re sobâi   
"Radha-Krishna!" chant, chant Everyone chant!

(jay) sakal vipod bhaktivinod,
All dangers gone says Bhaktivinod,

bole, jakhon o-nâm gâi.    
when the singing of the name is done.

haribol, bolo bolo bolo re sobâi.    
Of the Lord: chant, chant everyone chant!