
Srita Kamala


S'rîta Kamala

by S'rî Jayadeva Gosvâmî  


s'rita-kamalâkuca-mandala (he)        
His feet marked with a lotus.

dhrita-kundala (e)        
see His earrings!

dhrita-kundala kalita-lalita-vanamâlâ        
See His earrings and His garland of forest flowers !

jayajaya deva hare, jayajaya deva hare,
Glories, Glories, to Lord Hari.


dina-mani-mandala-mandana (he)        
His face shines like the disc of the sun.

bhava-khandana (e)        
His love drives away.

bhava-khandana muni-jana-mânasa-hamsa        
His love drives away, bringing peace to the swanlike sage.

jayajaya deva hare, jayajaya deva hare,
Glories, Glories, to Lord Hari.


kâliya-visadhara-gañjana (he)        
Kâliya the serpent He destroyed.

jana-rañjana (e)        
The beloved of all.

jana-rañjana yadu-kula-nalina-dines'a        
The beloved of all, is the sun of the Yadu galaxy.

jayajaya deva hare, jayajaya deva hare,
Glories, Glories, to Lord Hari.


madhu-mura-naraka-vinâs'ana (he)        
Madhu, Mura, Naraka He defeated.

garudâsana (e)        
On the back of Garuda!

garudâsana sura-kula-keli-nidâna        
From Garuda, He brings all the virtuous the joy.

jayajaya deva hare, jayajaya deva hare,
Glories, Glories, to Lord Hari.


amala-kamala-dala-locana (he)        
Clear as lotus petals are His eyes.

bhava-mocana (e)        
His love liberates!

bhava-mocana tribhuvana-bhuvana-nidhâna        
His love liberates; the three worlds He keeps in His hand.

jayajaya deva hare, jayajaya deva hare,
Glories, Glories, to Lord Hari.


janaka-a-sutâ-krita-bhûshana (he)        
Of Janaka's sons He is the gem.

jita-dûshana (e)        
Defeating all sin!

jita-dûshana samara-s'amita-das'akantha        
Defeating all sin He fought, finished ten-head Râvana.

jayajaya deva hare, jayajaya deva hare,
Glories, Glories, to Lord Hari.


abhinava-jaladhara-sundara (he)        
Like a monsoon cloud the color of His skin.

dhrita-mandara (e)        
How He lifted the hill!

dhrta-mandara s'rî-mukhacandra-cakora        
How he lifted the hill! Moonface charming the sweet bird Râdhâ.

jayajaya deva hare, jayajaya deva hare,
Glories, Glories, to Lord Hari.


tava-caranam pranata vayam (he)        
At Your Lotus feet I throw myself down.

iti bhâvaya (e)        
Have mercy on me.

iti bhâvaya kuru kus'alam pranateshu        
Have mercy on me, blessing of the Kuru dynasty.

jayajaya deva hare, jayajaya deva hare,
Glories, Glories, to Lord Hari.


s'ri-jayadeva-kaver idam (he)        
Jayadeva wrote this for You.

kurute mudam (e)        
Devoted to You.

kurute mudam mangalam ujjvala-gîtam        
Devoted to You, favoring You with this shining song.

jayajaya deva hare, jayajaya deva hare,
Glories, Glories, to Lord Hari.