
Sri Damodarashthaka


(from the Padma Purâna)


namâmîs'varam sac-cid-ânanda-rûpam
To the Lord whose form is ever to know glee,

lasat-kundalam gokule bhrâjamânam     
His earrings swinging, the brilliance of Gokul,

yas'odâ-bhiyolûkhalâd dhâvamânam
Yasodha's yogurt-pot he broke stealing the butter,

parâmrishtham atyantato drutya-gopyâ     
running she seized Him, my respect unto Him.


rudantam muhur netra-yugmam mrijantam
Seeing the stick He cries rubbing His eyes,

karâmbhoja-yugmena sâtanka-netram     
looking afraid with the pearl string on his neck.

muhuh s'vâsa-kampa-trirekhânka-kanthha-
No rope can bind Him, only love can,

sthita-graivam dâmodaram bhakti-baddham     
To this Lord Dâmodar' all my respect,


itîdrik sva-lîlâbhir ânanda-kunde
This childplay submerges Vrindavana in happiness,

sva-ghosham nimajjantam âkhyâpayantam     
and shows devotees how to know Him with wisdom.

tadîyeshita-jneshu bhaktair jitatvam
The full of Him intimate knows free and devoted,

punah prematas tam s'atâvritti vande     
full of admiration and full of awe.


varam deva moksham na mokshâvadhim vâ
O Lord you grant freedom but impersonal no,

na cânyam vrine 'ham vares'âd apîha     
I long for no heaven or for another boon,

idam te vapur nâtha gopâla-bâlam
Your form Bala-Aopal ever in my heart,

sadâ me manasy âvirâstâm kim anyaih     
no other favor has any meaning to me.


idam te mukhâmbhojam atyanta-nîlair
O Lord Your face, with black hair glowing red,

vritam kuntalaih snigdha-raktais' ca gopyâ     
is kissed by Yasodha, Your Bimba-lips red as the fruit,

muhus' cubitam bimba-raktâdharam me
May your sweet face be forever in My heart,

manasy âvirâstâm alam laksha-lâbhaih     
Thousands of other favors are of no avail.


namo deva dâmodarânanta vishno
I honor You Dâmodhar, Ananta Vishnu

prasîda prabho duhkha-jâlâbdhi-magnam     
O master, my Lord be pleased with me.

kripâ-drishthi-vrishthyâti-dînam batânu-
Merciful casting Your glance frees this fool,

grihânes'a mâm ajñam edhy akshi-dris'yah     
who thus may see You in his worldy grief.


kuverâtmajau baddha-mûrtyaiva yadvat
The way You set Kuvera's sons free from the curse,

tvayâ mocitau bhakti-bhâjau kritau ca     
planting devotion as a baby to the block,

tathâ prema-bhaktim svakâm me prayaccha
Please grant me too Your loving devotion,

na mokshe graho me 'sti dâmodareha     
that's all I desire, no other freedom.


namas te 'stu dâmne sphurad-dîpti-dhâmne
First of all o lord I honor your bellies cord,

tvadîyodarâyâtha vis'vasya-dhâmne     
than the belly itself that carries the universe,

namo râdhikâyai tvadîya-priyâyai
Humly I bow for your sweetheart Râdhâ,

namo 'nanta-lîlâya devâya tubhyam     
next then to You O lord of infinite joy.