(from Gîtâ-govinda) by Jayadeva Gosvâmî Matsya Avatâra: (1) pralaya-payodhi-jâle dhritavân asi vedam In the waters of deluge, to preserve the knowledge of Vedas, vihita-vahitra-caritram akhedam You held the Vedas like a vessel undeflected from its course. kes'ava dhrita-mîna-s'arîra O Kesava, in the form of a Fish, Hail Hari, Lord of the universe! jaya jagadîs'a hare, jaya jagadîs'a hare, jaya jagadîs'a hare Kurma Avatâra: (2) kshitir iha vipulatare tishthati tava prishthe On the wide expanse of your back as a pivot for churning dharani-dhârana-kina-cakra-garishthe rests the world, the mountain, creating round marks. kes'ava dhrita-kûrma-s'arîra O Kes'ava, in the form of Tortoise, Hail Hari ! Lord of the universe! jaya jagadîs'a hare, jaya jagadîs'a hare, jaya jagadîs'a hare * Varâha Avatâra: (3) vasati das'ana-s'ikhare dharanî tava lagnâ The earth once submerged at the bottom of the ocean, s'as'ini kalaìka-kaleva nimagnâ sits fixed on your tusk like a spot on the moon. kes'ava dhrita-s'ûkara-rûpa O Kes'ava, in the form of the Boar! Hail Hari ! Lord of the universe!. jaya jagadîs'a hare, jaya jagadîs'a hare, jaya jagadîs'a hare Nrisimha Avatâra: (4) tava kara-kamala-vare nakham adbhuta-s'rîngam The sharp nails on your hands became wonderful claws dalita-hiranyakas'ipu-tanu-bhrîngam that tore up the body of Hiranyakasipu kes'ava dhrita-narahari-rûpa O Kes'ava, of body Man-Lion, Hail Hari! Lord of the universe! jaya jagadîs'a hare, jaya jagadîs'a hare, jaya jagadîs'a hare * Vâmana Avatâra: (5) chalayasi vikramane balim adbhuta-vâmana Skillfully You defeated Bali, the mighty king of the world, o Vâmana ! pada-nakha-nîra-janita-jana-pâvana and from your toe-nails came the Ganga, the purifier of the world. kes'ava dhrita-vâmana-rûpa O Kes'ava, in the form of a dwarf, Hail Hari! Lord of the universe! jaya jagadîs'a hare, jaya jagadîs'a hare, jaya jagadîs'a hare Paras'urâma Avatâra: (6) kshatriya-rudhira-maye jagad-apagata-pâpam freeing us of the tyrannous rulers, thus cleansing out the sin, snapayasi payasi s'amita-bhava-tâpam You destroy the anguish of the world kes'ava dhrita-bhrigupati-rûpa O Kes'ava, as Lord of Bhrigus Hail Hari! Lord of the universe! jaya jagadîs'a hare, jaya jagadîs'a hare, jaya jagadîs'a hare * Râma Avatâra: (7) vitarasi dikshu rane dik-pati-kamanîyam To uphold dharma, You scattered Râvana's ten heads das'a-mukha-mauli-balim ramanîyam splendidly in the four directions, to the splendour of the guardians kes'ava dhrita-râma-s'arîra O Kes'ava, as Lord Sri Râma! Hail Hari! Lord of the universe! jaya jagadîs'a hare, jaya jagadîs'a hare, jaya jagadîs'a hare Balarâma Avatâra: (8) vahasi vapushi vis'ade vasanam jaladâbham wearing on your radiant body a garment of the color of the cloud, hala-hati-bhîti-milita-yamunâbham blue like the Yamuna river, flowing as if afraid for your plough! kes'ava dhrita-haladhara-rûpa O Kes'ava in the form of Balarâma. Hail Hari! Lord of the universe. jaya jagadîs'a hare, jaya jagadîs'a hare, jaya jagadîs'a hare * Buddha Avatâra: (9) nindasi yajña-vidher ahaha s'ruti-i-jâtam Decrying slaughter according the rules of Vedic sacrifice, sadaya-hridaya dars'ita-pas'u-ghâtam You are compassionate of heart with the poor animals. kes'ava dhrita-buddha-s'arîra O Kes'ava in the form of Buddha! Hail Hari! Lord of the universe. jaya jagadîs'a hare, jaya jagadîs'a hare, jaya jagadîs'a hare Kalki Avatâra: (10) mleccha-nivaha-nidhane kalayasi karavâlam For the destruction of the wicked, with a comet for a sword, dhûmaketum iva kim api karâlam You're trailing a train of disaster to them. kes'ava dhrita-kalki-s'arîra O Kes'ava!, in the form of Kalki! Hail Hari! Lord of the universe! jaya jagadîs'a hare, jaya jagadîs'a hare, jaya jagadîs'a hare * * To this poem: (11) s'rî-jayedeva-kaver idam uditam udâram Hear this hymn of the poet Jayadeva, O readers, it's most excellent, s'rinu sukha-dam s'ubha-dam bhava-a-sâram it gives happiness, good fortune, it's the best in this dark world. kes'ava dhrita-das'a-vidha-rûpa 0 Kes'ava in the ten different incarnations! Hail Hari! Lord of the universe! jaya jagadîs'a hare, jaya jagadîs'a hare, jaya jagadîs'a hare To Lord Krishna: (12) vedân uddharate jaganti vahate bhû-golam udbi-bhrate. As Matsya the Vedas, as Kurma the mountain, as Varâha the earth. daityam dârayate balim chalayate kshatra-kshayam kurvate as Nrsimha the demon, As Vâmana Bali, and as Parasurâma the ksatriyas. paulastyam jayate halam kalayate kârunyam âtanvate-e As Râma Râvana, as Balarâma the wicked, as Buddha of compassion mlecchân mû-u-rchayate, das'a kriti-i-krite krishnâya tubhyam namah As Kalki to bewilder the degraded, O Krishna, O Krishna, my obeisances unto You