
Yasomati Nandana


(from Gîtâvalî: S'rî Nâm-kîrtan: 1)

yas'omatî-nandana, vraja-vara-nâgara,
Yas'øda's beloved son, the lover of Vraja,

gokula-rañjana kâna       
he delight of Gokula, Kâna.

gopî-parâna-dhana, madana-manohara,       
The gopis' wealth of life, He even steals Cupids mind,

the serpent Kalya He chastises.

(2 - chorus)

amala harinâm amiya-vilâsâ       
The pure of Hari's names, full of sweet nectar.

vipina-purandara, navîna nâgara-vara,  
The forests of Vraja their Lord, the youthful best of lovers,

vams'î-vadana suvâsâ       
always plays the flute so nicely dressed.


braja-jana-pâlana, asura-kula-nâs'ana,
Vraja's people He protects, the asura clans He destroys

tending, protecting Nanda's cows.

govinda mâdhava, navanîta-taskara       
The cows their pleasure, the goddess' husband and the butter thief,

sundara nanda-gopâlâ       
the beautiful cowherd of Nanda.

(3 - chorus)

amala harinâm amiya-vilâsâ       
The pure of Hari's names, full of sweet nectar.

vipina-purandara, navîna nâgara-vara,  
The forests of Vraja their Lord, the youthful best of lovers,

vams'î-vadana suvâsâ       
always plays the flute so nicely dressed.


jâmuna-tatha-cara, gopî-vasana-hara,
Wandering at the Yâmnua, He stole the gopi's garments,

râsa-rasika kripâmoya       
delighting in the mellows of the Rasa dance.

s' rî-râdhâ-vallabha, brindâbana-nathabara,       
Radharani's beloved, vrindâvana's dancer,

Bhaktivinoda his refuge.

(4 - chorus)

amala harinâm amiya-vilâsâ       
The pure of Hari's names, full of sweet nectar.

vipina-purandara, navîna nâgara-vara,  
The forests of Vraja their Lord, the youthful best of lovers,

vams'î-vadana suvâsâ       
always plays the flute so nicely dressed.