On friday the 13:th, 1946 A child born of evil that day Son of Pamela Sue and Elias Bearer of the name Voorhees Drowned in Crystal lake at the age of eleven He couldn't swim, and he screamed for help His mother didn't think it was fare The concelours just didn't seem to care In 1958 his mother reclaimed the name And Crystal Lake was never the same She killed two concelours and started a sick game Which led to the nickname Camp-Blood, Camp-Blood, Camp-Blood... They closed Crystal Lake, and in 1979 They thought everything was fine but when they opened it again The slaughter just began again! Alice thought she put an' end to it all By killing Pamela Sue, it was just a fall Jason watched his mother die The anger he felt inside... If you think this is the end Well then let me tell you; This is the beginning of the curse of Voorhees.