There was once
Light, ripped from my chest
No more sanity, subhumanity
I'm a demon at best

I walk here in the land of man
The smell of flesh secreting dead from my hands

I don't know what I am or how I came to be
But there's a million others just like me
You better fucking look behind you
You bet off more than you'll ever hope to chew

You're not the only one with shit to say
Never in my life did I imagine
Shit would end up going this way

Heartless trash there is no equal
Take from the land and fucking feed on the people

You fucking parasites feed on the weak
Lets see how long you survive when there's nothing left to eat

The thrill of the hunt
Keeps me sane
Ill feast on your flesh
You're just a pawn in a dangerous game

I don't think you understand
You've laid your cards on the table
Time to fold your fucking hand

Bow down to the epitome
Of everything you and your friends
Talk about
You should learn to shut your mouth
Ill fucking tear you down

Put em in a coffin