
Did I do Something Wrong?


Nobody knows what I truly want
In this life
No fancy cars, or pills in the jars
Nothing satisfies
You may want love, success
Or just diamond necklaces
But with no one to trust

I am so desperate
Took my time and figured out
That I'm the missing piece
Child-like glitters the only way that I feel complete
Riding our bikes when it's about to pour
I never know the right timing anymore

Waiting around for someone to sweep me off my feet
But no happily ever after's are happening
I'm drowning
Tell me this did I do something wrong
Just let me make it up to you

Talking long distance
List of missed calls and self loathing
I miss the days when if I needed you
A few blocks away
Life is like a distant memory

Where loved ones would argue and walk out
And you're left with pain
Riding our bikes when it's about to pour
I never know the right timing anymore

Waiting around for someone to sweep me off my feet
But no happily ever after's are happening
I'm drowning

Tell me this did I do something wrong
Just let me make it up to you
Let me make it up to you

We are just kids hiding behind mascara
And worn out attitudes
Riding around on our bikes like we didn't have a clue
When life was simple, you with your dimples
What would I do without you