The devil is my father, I shall live in sin. He guides me in the paths of evil For his name's sake. Even though i walk through the valley Of light, i will not bow before god For you are with me; Thy strength and thy pride, They comfort me. Trust in satan and do evil; Dwell in the land and enjoy sin. Delight yourself in the devil And he will give you the desires of your heart. I desire to do your will, o lord satan; Your law is within my heart. For satan is the king of the earth; Sing to him a psalm of praise. Satan reigns over the nations; He is seated on his unholy throne. The mighty one, lucifer, the lord, Speaks and summons the earth From the rising of the sun to the place Where it sets. Satan comes and will not be silent; A fire devours before him, And around him a tempest rages. He destroy the heavens above