4 o'clock this morning I was Woken from a dream In which my bones were reassembled In a minor league museum And blaze children with their worksheets Had to find out who I was back then When I used to walk the earth Churning out my finely crafted songs And sloping to the bathroom Through the darkenss of the landing I sat down to have a piss 'Cause it was easier than standing And imagined my exhibit being Crated up for storage in an Airtight basement room Archived where it probably belongs I look at you and fail to understand Just what it is that gives you wealth and fame When so many people seem to have exactly what you've got But somehow it never quite works out the same Is it luck? Is it friends? Or is it something more obvious that I can't see? One thing I'm really certain about It isn't aimed at guys like me Is it only me that thinks you're an obnoxious poser? Or does everyone else think so too? Strutting around like you're gods gift to the world While you disciples form a disorderly queue Well let me play devils advocate for a moment And publicly state that you are scum I can tell from the howls of disapproval That I'm in a minority of one. Yeah And now I'm through with avuncular diplomacy I've stopped saying "I think I need to hear some more" Cause this stuff is rubbish, I can't stand it that's that And I don't care if I sound like a dinosaur I never thought I'd come across like my dad When I played my Ackles, my Love and my Shy Limbs All I can say, is I suddenly looking in the mirror And I found I'd turned into him