Well, we talk about whatever happened at work And isn't that David an absolute jerk? And did you hear the new song by what's his name? And who'd a thought Jim and Pam would get together again? And we talk about moving to Texas We'd sit and we'd howl at the moon And we say JFK went to Texas one day And bigod he left Texas too soon CHORUS: "Yes, and we talk about just about anything And wether or not we agree I know how much you care I can see it right there In the way that you listen to me I just love how you listen to me" Well there's just you and me on the planet tonight A'whisperin' secrets a'way past midnight I say, when I was little I used to chase squirrels You say, back then, you prefered to chase girls And we laugh and admit there've been others There's nothing that we can't discuss But no one felt right, not like we do tonight While we talked, you and I became us REPEAT CHORUS I just love how you listen to me Thank you for listening to me