Well, it all got started with the birds and the bees All little thing called love When Cupid's little dart kick starts your heart And the beat goes on and on and on Now, people say it makes the world go around A little thing called love When I'm lookin' right at you honey, oo-oo-oo I know you're thinkin' of... CHORUS: "That's the thing about livin' A little thing called love Can make it go down easy It can get a little rough Now you could fight the feelin' But you can't get enough That's the thing about livin' You need a little thing called love" Now it sure is something You can fall into Alittle thing called love And anyone can see, baby, C'est la vie It's something you can fall out of Hang on tight, it's a wild ride A little called love Wouldn't you agree, baby oo-oo-wee Got something to be proud of REPEAT CHORUS Alittle itty, bitty Well you play Romeo to my Juliet Let me tell you how it's gotta be 'Cause I believe in you Baby, I believe in me REAPEAT CHORUS Well I ain't sayin' I'm the queen of hearts But let's get down to where the real thing starts Let's get it started A little thing called love Little thing, little thing called love You got the thing, you need a little thing