My heart is covered;passion always tugging at my mind Although we search for freedom, It seems that we get more confined Narcissism, fucking prison-selfishness the crime Shackled br our cruetly, but I'll practice being kind BORN TO GIVE We take, we fucking take! BORN TO GIVE But we create our fate! I know the more we server ourselves we're never stisfied And if you're brought up sensitive they'll probably deride You must choose your destiny, for only you decide So let the people criticize-I know I've fucking tried BORN TO GIVE We take, we fucking take! BORN TO GIVE But we create our fate! I tried to be so into me But it turns out so unsatisfying I want to be the person that I know I am deep inside I may not seem so cool, but all that shit's a lie Trow away my ego, and all my foolish pride This life is meant for giving, so I'll never hide BORN TO GIVE We take, we fucking take! BORN TO GIVE But we create our fate! We must learn from our mistakes