Just have been stopped by the highway patrol, must have been a few miles more than I ought to go. Cop drags me out of my velvet Van, feel the cold metal of his 45 er, "Freeze man!" "Black leather and silver crosses that seems like bloody blasphemy to me, it's exactly what we do not appreciate in town, You better hit the road before I nail you down! " As I try to speak he unlocks his gun, California is the state of fun, no further questions,and no replies, there is no good living,when your body dies. Reentering the van I got a talk with Smith & Wesson, together we decide it's time to teach a lesson last glimps to the man with the star a quick click, then a blow, shows him who we are! Heavy shooting on Highway 101 near exit Myer's Flat, Casualties 1 Fugative in velvet van is heading north towards Washington State Border