Tom: A This is my first tab, just one night of tinkering after watching One Tree Hill. Not too good with the chords yet, but tabbed the beginning of Haley James Scott - Halo. I think the rest is easy enough to figure out. This is how I play it, might not be accurate, but hey for those people who want some place to start, why not? Might need a capo somewhere depending on how high you sing. Dedicated to my hoobastank. E--------------------------------------------5-| B----------------------------------------------| G-----6-2--2-1---2-6-1-2------6-2--2-1---2-6---| D--4-4---------4----------4-4----------4-------| A----------------------------------------------| E----------------------------------------------| E-------------------5--2-0--------2-| B----------------------3--3-----3---| G----2-6--2-1---2-6----2----2-2-----| D--44----------4--------------------| A-----------------------------------| E-----------------------------------| This repeats while the second guitar plays the chords. Have fun! Bethany Fan Brian L.