Somewhere over the rainbow Way up high There's a land that I heard of Once in a lullaby Somewhere over the rainbow... Somewhere over the rainbow, I've looked and I waited in vain To solve my own iniquity and cover the pain Way up high... Way up high in the sky at the instance you see That promise He is keeping for my all eternity There's a land that I heard of once in a lullaby It will be what it will be, nothing changes instantly Except that moment in your heart you truly know that you are free We've all walked the road less traveled at times Put aside our better judgment, and followed blurry lines Lost our way only to come back again and say Iʼm better for the moment and I'm changed this very day My faults are not enough to keep you from me If my hope is in your love, then my cup is never empty This world don't deserve you were daughters and sons Your place is in the heavenlies with saints and cheribums We take life as it comes, though the picture is blurred It makes those moments ever precious, and we cherish every word Understanding escapes, but then after awhile The pieces fit together like a story board tile When we remember your love, when we remember your face We get joy in definition, a reminder of Grace It would take too much time to describe your effect But eternity's given us that unique prospect Just rest in the thought of together again No more hurt and suffering, I can only imagine But this is here and now, and it's hard to conceive Hard to be positive, so hard to believe When it's all over and said, He's still on the throne God couldn't do without you so He had to take you home