Benjamin Gibbard

Life In Quarantine

Benjamin Gibbard

The sidewalks are empty
The bars and cafes too
The streetlights only changing
'Cause they ain't got nothing better to do

You say it's like Christmas
When nobody's around
When our city was still a secret
Before those carpetbaggers came to town and

The airports and train stations
Are full of desperate people
Trying to convince the gate agents
That not all emergencies are equal

But no one is going anywhere soon
Then inside the safeway
It's like the Eastern Bloc
People have a way of getting crazy

When they think they'll be dead in a month
But you like the silence
Of the wind through the trees
And I like walking beside you

Through these days of no guarantees and
National Guard is on their way
To protect us from our neighbors
And everyone who's tried to swim for it

Has drowned out past the breakers
The airports and train stations
Are full of desperate people
No one is going anywhere soon
No one is going anywhere soon