Benita Washington

Another Day

Benita Washington

Another day 
You let me see
Another chance 
You've given me
It's a another day 
I lift my hands
I give you praise 
In my circumstance
You've kept me once again
You shed your blood now 
I'm free from sin
Another day 
Another chance 
To say thank you

(It's just another day)
Another day 
You've forgiven me
From Satan's snares you 
Set me free
(It's just one more day) 
It's just one more day
You made a way 
And by your power 
I'm here, here today
(You kept me once again)
You shed your blood Lord 
And it cleansed me 
From my sin
(Another day, another chance 
to say thank you)

Mercy said no
Wouldn't let it be so
Justice required my soul 
But Jesus took control
You kept me once again
You shed your blood 
And now 
I'm free from sin
Another day 
Another chance 
To say thank you


Thank you, Jesus
For you grace 
So amazing
Thank you Jesus
For your mercy 
You forgave me

Thank you 
Thank you

One more day 
One more chance
Thank you