When the Final Hour has come Will the past commence to the judgement The last moment of existence only time can tell when you're rotting in hell! A dusk has dawned where the world will be inflames and all thats left will be the ashes of the past the bodies strew the plains the bodies strew the fields as he plagues death on human flesh All the anger all the sins all that once was pure falling to the fire In flaming death he reigns, As he reigns death on human flesh Flaming death from the sky! Here comes the Flame! When the Final hour has come Will the past commence to the judgement The last moment of existence only time can tell when you're rotting in hell! In his wake all that died will be purified left to live a paradise whether wanted or not The folly of your sin the folly of your kin When he comes to your land he leaves you in his paradise Flaming death and flaming corpses bodies strew the plains with their salvation given to them from the hands of the almighty Flaming death and flaming corpses bodies strew the plains with their salvation given to them from the hands of the almighty Flaming death, and flaming corpses, flaming death, with their salvation from the hands of the almighty! When you're given a seat in paradise Don't forget the pain; Don't forget the price For your salvation!!