This is the casket you sleep in Oh poor ape, living futile life Searching for the truth Denying the only certainty he’ll ever have Righteous man, living by the book Blaming the devil for each and all modern ills A lifestyle that pacifies your existence It’s your false concept of progress It’s your reactionary views leading us to nowhere It’s your ideologies The casket you sleep in and we all die alone Wretched Desperately searching for hope And there is no peace in death Nothing to appease your shattered heart and aspirations We are all alone This place is our tomb Oh and your endless quest for truth, for unity With a closet full of skeletons Bones of the victims, casualties, human sacrifices Doesn’t your quest lose all of its meaning? Sisyphus, who you try to fool? This is not what you’re here for Sisyphus, are you tired yet? This is just getting started Revolt, freedom, passion