Is this the end? Hands tied to this sinking ship Release what’s left of you Reveal who you truly are Your true and passionate existence This world is a cold hard place These chains are thick as hell They hurt and cut you open They hurt and bleed you dry Daily contribution to a system In which you do not fit Feeling of deception and being useless I swear I’ve been there too Wish I could have showed you the way and have been there for you Cause sometimes all you really need is something you can hold on to I know this taste stuck in your mouth I know this apathy too well Just like the sight of your open wrist It’s forever stuck in my head For years I thought I was safe from this But you prove me once again There is no way out Sometimes all you need Is something to hold on to and years, thinking I was safe But the sight of the blood Coming out of your wrist Is yet another failure Sometimes all you need is something to hold on to for years That thing for me was you