We are all slaves, to this decline And all we gave, meant nothing To stand with pride, the defiant ones Lost at the end, hope fades last of all No more tomorrows, just this waking contempt For the art of the dying and the depraved The white light The condemned Cold humming souls that linger on Alone in shame wanting to die With no God, with no cry Only the shadows, of divided sons The riot remained A spirit survived Now time will take us home Away from the pale horizon Now I have become Death, the destroyer of worlds All of our life All of our pain Failed some dream Deliver us from ourselves Give nothing to the illusion, of new dawn Of dead religions, false idols and corruption Before the storm, there was silence The child must turn away, away from the sun The blistered truth, go forth free from guilt There is absolution in your death- None of your sadness can save the doomed We were once kings, of brave words A war of common rebellions, attrition and spite Before this tragedy, there was mans’ hatred- So save nothing of man, let go of the past The year is now zero, the mark of madmen Forever cast down, the end of all time- Destroy me, Mother Take this life, spare me Murder, is redemption Release me, to mercy The bastards come home, with the sunrise Filth and survival, desperate hours Not the burning eyes of the forgotten From failure to perdition Man’s betrayal is our trust And so now the fate is sealed of a planet that loathes And burns, and spreads its’ disease Given up without ability to forgive Infecting the world, its womb, and its consciousness Inner and outer conflicts have grown, mental, global, crumbling and too far gone