Tom: A A I guess they never told you how the Globe burned down, But it aint no secret, just ask around D Some heart-sick man fed up with his fate A Torched it to the ground in a desperate state D Hed grown tired of the tragedies, tired of the death A Tired of watching Romeo take one last breath E A For something as crazy as love [Verse] A The gave him all the books, but never taught him to read, So when she first kissed him, I heard him beg and plead D He saw the storm on the water, he felt every swell A He was on top of a mountain then in the belly of a whale D Cause some days its a fountain or an artesian well, A Sometimes its a bag of bricks or some kind of spell E A Theres nothing as wild as love [Verse] A He wasnt much for religion, but he learned to pray For occasions when the wine led his mind astray D He built a chapel for his conscience, a shack for his regrets A Sent desire to an island still he could not forget D The sound of her touch, the color of her son A A jumble of words, where a space belongs E A For something as simple as love