I hope you and I someday will find Ourselves trapped in a small space Though the world is wide I hope we're confined Somewhere close in a small space Where I can finally say to you All the things that I never said to you And you can scream until you're blue If that's what you need to do I wish you could see my TV fantasy Of us trapped in a small space At last we could get to the bottom of it When we're trapped in a small space Where you could finally tell the truth In all the places where you never told the truth Be so much better if I knew Yeah, that's what you need to do No reason to pretend so long after the end When we're trapped in a small space Yeah, your heart's heart would mend We’d be friends again When we're trapped in a small space And I could finally say to you All the things that I never said to you And you could scream until you're blue If that's what you need to do