Tom: C E|------------| B|-8--8--8-8--| G|-9--9--9-9--| D|-9--9--9-9--| A|---10-------| E|------10-8--| I heard their voices on the wind and knew that this was it for us, the war is finally over, new fight begins, So I lean in to steal a kiss, how did it come to this, I know you're scared, cause I can taste the fever on your lip --- -8- -9- -9- --- --- I swore I would keep you safe, I swore I would keep you safe E|------------| B|-8--8--8-8--| G|-9--9--9-9--| D|-9--9--9-9--| A|---10-------| E|------10-8--| And I have never realised what triggered your desire but as the pieces of the puzzle fall well it all makes sense So underneath the evening stars I go to ask you who the hell you are that you command such actions from all men -3-3-3-3-| -3-3-3-3-| -0-0-2-2-| -0-2-0-2-| -2-3-0-0-| -3-0-0-0-| And on my neck, I feel your breath, Your thrusts and throws under my gentle caress, -3-3- -3-3- -0-2- -2-0- -3-0- -0-0- Is this the best that it gets? -3-3-3-3-| -3-3-3-3-| -0-0-2-2-| -0-2-0-2-| -2-3-0-0-| -3-0-0-0-| But please don't think me foolish if I will not live in fear, or if the things I hold against you are the ones I most hold dear, Well the next time that you hear my voice it will be on the summer breeze, -3-3- -3-3- -0-2- -2-0- -3-0- -0-0- Still in your dreams i'll hold you as you sleep... repeat chorus chords for a while --- --- -9- -9- --- --- And as I tried to leave the scene the rain beats down on me, and through the taste of blood and the aching limbs well I can't go -7- -7- -7- -7- -7- -7- Harmonic on E|------------| B|-8--8--8-8--| G|-9--9--9-9--| D|-9--9--9-9--| A|---10-------| E|------10-8--| But if this is what you do to me and all your mortal enemies if this is what we are calling love then it won't be long no -3-3-3-3-| -3-3-3-3-| -0-0-2-2-| -0-2-0-2-| -2-3-0-0-| -3-0-0-0-| And on my neck, I feel your breath, Your thrusts and throws under my gentle caress, -3-3- -3-3- -0-2- -2-0- -3-0- -0-0- Is this the best that it gets? Oh god no -3-3-3-3-| -3-3-3-3-| -0-0-2-2-| -0-2-0-2-| -2-3-0-0-| -3-0-0-0-|