Ben Colder


Ben Colder

Hey you took a greyhound bus to Fort Lauderdale
(Doodle do la up doodle do la up)
And I went one whole week without a piece of mail
(Doodle do la up doodle do la up)
Now you come back a tellin' me you had yourself a good time
But I don't see one shred of evidence of Florida sunshine
You little son of a gun

You came back from your Florida vacation with a moontan
Clingin' to your scalp were little bitty particles of white sand
There's a little sarcasm in your talk a brand new boldness in your walk
And your complexion is white as chalk you got yourself a moontan

Now you wonder why I'm actin' just a little out of sorts
Cause you've been participatin' in them in-door sports that's why
You're eyes are a little blood shot but the rest of you is snow white
I got a funny feelin' that you did your sunbathin' in the moonlight

You came back from your Florida vacation with a moontan...

(You came back from your Florida vacation with a moontan)
Where did you stay down there at the no tell motel
(Clingin' to your scalp were little bitty particles of white sand)
Don't tell me you found that rock
You're wearin' on your finger down on the beach some place
I'm on to that stuff
I know what's goin' on down there in Florida I got friends down there
I wouldn't go down there as a last resort
What do you think you're pullin on me
(You got yourself a moontan)
I ain't had my head in the sand all this time
What do you think I am