Ben Colder

Silver The Wonder Horse

Ben Colder

My name is Silver the Wonder Horse I'm a movie star
Yeah I'm makin' good here in Hollywood
But you wouldn't believe some of the things I have to put up with
Just like the time we were makin' a flick
And this big hero fella that rides me
Why he jumped on my back out of a two story window
Drove my belly right into the sand
Started yelling hi ho Silver and wavin' his hat around
Right in front of my face thinks he's the star
Oh I get so sick of that

I made the TV commerial of the day like to run myself to death
It's something about soap I was carrin' some dope
Wearin' a full suit of armor
He had a magic wand he kept pokin' people with it
Makin' 'em come clean stronger than dirt
Oh I get so sick of that

But the loot's pretty good and that is hay
Course I have to give a bundle for taxes
But the thing I hate is I have to watch my weight
You know I eat like a horse
Fact is I could use a little rye about now make that a double will ya
Oh for the life of a wonder horse
I get so sick of that

Bright lights and make-up and carrying the male
And chasin' the rustlers to the end of the trail
Warnin' the settlers and savin' their land
And rescuin' the rancher's daughter
Ridin' double off into the sunset
Him gettin' the girl and me gettin' swaybacked
Oh I get so sick of that

You know I think I'll head for the open range
Join' the wild bunch chase a few phillies
Yeah horse around a little bit
Over at the horse a go-go you know
They got some might fine rye over there