Hummmmmm Has sure as day is dark and night is light Hey I don't think that I just said that right Well anyway I'm flying high tonight I feel fine I walk the line Hummmmmm You skinny little dickens I find it very very easy to be true But the question is to be true to who Cause I ain't got no one to be true to Any offers (yea) thank you wait in the bus [ guitar ] Yeah Leroy get your lick in Hummmmmm There's a winding road that runs right by my shack It was late last night when I started back When the patrol man he drove right up behind I paid the fine I couldn't walk the line [ guitar ] Leroy your hogging the show son (Still) Ah there's the group gettin' their lick in [ piano ] Ah and there's Hargus baby This is the hard part here boys and girls 'scuse me ladies Hummmmmm I find it very very hard to hit these notes But that's the lowdown way this darned song is wrote I think I'll get me a little something to wet my throat Little of this 'em embalming fluid Ahummmmmmm I'll be ready in a minute Hummmmmm hummmm that's good Alright I tell you what I want everybody give everybody in this room a drink right now I tell you what get everybody in this room a drink right now And make darn sure you collect for it too Hummmmmm You know I don't want you folks to think that I drink up here on stage Just because Dean Martin and some of them big stars do I know I just like to drink that's all Now let's see if I can sing my way out of this mess Give me a still there just one time now group (Still) Now I got it I keep my eye propped open all the time I keep my arms out for you Clementine I keep my pants up with a little piece of twine Please be mine and you can pull the (still) It's been wonderful wonderful wonderful wonderful And let's all go to the bar now for a little touch Oh I don't like that smart alecky piano player around just can't stand it there jealous Commercial Hershal and all Mershall and all them Fred especially Fred let me from you Ahhhhhhhh OK that's it Freddie