(Although you're gone yet I'm here at home yet) Oh honey I remember so well the day you left me You said you was goin' down to the pet shop To get some food for the baby I wondered why you took your suitcase And you said you said Ben you stay here and rock the baby And I want you to know I'm rockin' him yet Course it's workin' a little hardship on me Now that the kid's in high school Oh honey our little boy has grown up so fast Why just the other day he got in a fight And you should'd have seen the way He hit this other kid over the head with his purse I was so proud of him (I feel so blue yet cause I miss you yet) Somebody told me that you wanted to get an annulment Well heck honey why didn't you say that's what you wanted And I'd a got you that instead of that Jaguar Cause you never did like that cat anyhow I know he scratched you a little bit I don't blame you to tell you the truth When I think about how long you've been gone I get such a funny funny feelin' right in here I do honey feels almost like my heart is gonna attack me Yet I wait here in the dark The light company shut off all the juice you knew that I sit here and I listen Just hopin' I'll hear some ole familar sound Like the car hittin' the side of the garage Or you stubblin' up the stairs carryin' your big ole bowling ball If you ever do honey I just want you to know I'll be right here yet (Although you're gone yet I'm here at home yet)