Ya'll have heard about foolish questions and no doubt you wondered why That a person who would ask 'em expects a sensible reply Did you ever bring a girl a box of candy say right after tea You notice how she'll grab it and she'll say is this for me Foolish questions you should answer when you can No the candy's for your daddy and momma and John the hired hand I just wanted you to see it now I'm gonna take it away Wadn't that a foolish question you'll hear 'em nearly every day Then you all have seen the man who meets you on your way He'll ask you where are you going and he'll listen while you say That you goin' to the funeral of poor ole brother Ned And just as soon as you've told him he'll say is Ned dead Foolish question this should be your reply No we thought we'd have the funeral then later on he'd die Brother Ned was so original he wanted it that way Now wasn't that a foolish question you hear 'em nearly every day Suppose an elevator boy forgets to close that door And you should tumble down the shaft say about twenty seven floors As you reach the bottom and you're laying there in earth And the first person that comes along says are you hurt Foolish question your dying words are no I was in an awful hurry and this elevator runs to slow I find I save an awful lot of time by coming down this way Now wasn't that a foolish question you hear 'em nearly every day