Still though you took my car Still I know you won't get far You'll be sitting still Still when a mile has passed Still you'll run out of gas You'll be sitting still I've lost count of the hours and I've lost track of the time And you know why darling I lost my watch In fact I lost a lot of things when you went away What are you gonna do with all my junk But still I cling to the mem'ry of when we used to go together Why I must have gone with you for Ain't that somethin' I can't even remember what I went with you for But I do remember the nights when we'd stroll hand in hand And I'd look up at the sky and recite your favorite poem Starkle starkle little twink oh yeah that reminds me I've been readin' so much about the evils of drinking That I've decided to give it up so I quit reading Now I don't drink anything stronger than pop Of course Pop will drink just about anything Still I wish I had a still And then every day I'd run my still This flame in my heart is like an eternal fire It's the worst case of heartburn I've ever had And I haven't been able to put out not one little flicker Not even with all this beer I mean tears My friends think that I'm crazy and maybe I am But I'll carry this torch just as long as I can But you know that one of these days it's gonna get awful short And if I don't drop it well someday you may just come home And find that I've made an ash of myself Still though I tote this torch Still it's beginning to scorch I can't hold still Ooh that smarts ouch