A German clockwinder to Dublin once came Benjamin Fooks was the old german's name And as he was winding he's way round the strand He played on his flute and the music was grand. Singing: Toor-a-lum-a-lum-a Toor-a-lum-a-lum-a Toor-a-lai-ei Toor-a-lai Yur-a-lai Yur-a-lai-ei Toor-a-lum-a-lum-a Toor-a-lum-a-lum-a Toor-a-lai-ei Toor-a-lai Yur-a-lai Yur-a-lai-ei Now there was a young lady from Grosvenor Square Who said that her clock was in need of repair In walks the bold german and to her delight In less than five minutes he had her clock right Now as they were seated down on the floor There came this very loud knock on the door In walks her husband and great was is shock For to see the old german wind up his wife's clock The husband said he, "Now look here, Mary Ann! Don't let that bold german come in here again!" He wound up your clock and left mine in the shelf If your old clock needs winding, sure I'll wind it myself!"