A child was born, was born to be king He is the son of the gods Give him the sword, give him the power To spread the wings of freedom Far from home, raised by a vassal He learned to fight (He was) baptized a christian, between images of saints But he knows the avalon’s wisdom Make us free again from the saxons from north Let freedom shine in our hearts Make us one again until eternity Keep opened the gates of mystery Fires of beltane, burn to crown of the king We’ll fight with glory, till our kingdoms be one Fires of beltane, burn to crown of the king King of the mountain, gladness and freedom you bring And king he became when the bells rang in the woods Oh! He said: “My sword for protection, my hands for justice” I will lead you through And we will stand by you Beyond the reigns And we will fight for liberty ’Cause you’re the only way out